Friday, September 16, 2011


Islamic Awakening 2 (REMINDER -2)

30: And Messenger (Muhammad pbuh) will say “O my Lord! Verily,

my people deserted this Qur’an –sura # 25 Al-Furqan.

It is really shocking to learn that “RAHMATULIL AALEMEEN”

(PBUH) will instead of favouring will be complaining about such

Ummah who have left behind Noble, Al-Qur’an and according to

Mua’reful Qur’an (Late Mufti Muhammad Shafee alaihi rahmah)

This verse means:

  1. Those people who did not learn to read Al-Qur’an inspite of

Having opportunity.

  1. Also those who learnt but forgot
  2. Also those who lernt but did not recited daily as required.
  3. Also those who recited daily but without understanding
  4. Also those who recited daily and also understood but did not

Act upon it in accordance with the guidance of the Messenger


The people who say they don’t know Arabic – it is either equivalent

To blame Lord that he did not teach or it means the person did not

Do any effort to learn – Particularly the Educated Class. They could

Learn English, Japanese, Russian, Engineering, Medical, Sciences and

Etc but did not learn Arabic – at-least to understand Al-Qur’an by

themselves. Only recitation is not enough. Though Sawab is there but

Al-Qur’an is actually a guidance book and without understanding what

Is written in it, how a person can obtain guidance. The Messenger (pub)

Has explained the Book and the Contents of the Book and the Purpose

of the Book – must act according to His explanation to save the skin on the

Day of Resurrection from the ambit of this verse.

Allah s.w.t save us all -Aameen

The people of overage or for some genuine reason ca not learn Arabic

Language, must repent but not despaired, and read translation by four

Different translators so the person can get the gist of what is said.- if

Four translations not possible, then at least two translators is a must.

The reason is that exact translation of Al-Qur’an is not possible:

For example: one translator will translate battle the other will, riot,

the next one may translate as skirmishes still the next may say as

quarrelling all the meanings are near to each other but still far in literal


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